Florida has no shortage of beaches, entertainment, nightlife, attractions and ties to the international community. As a result, many people who are present in the state at a given time do not call the Sunshine State home. If you are in Florida for either business or pleasure and were arrested for DUI, your trip is not all that can be wrecked. Not only do you face two separate proceedings in Florida, but you may also be subject to license suspension and penalties in the state or country in which you live. If you are not a Florida resident and were arrested for DUI, you need the help of a DUI lawyer in Miami to help you navigate these murky and extremely choppy waters.

Before you begin, educate yourself. I suggest you do not speak to ANY lawyer before requesting my FREE consumer guide on DUI in Florida, "A Six Pack Of Questions That Can Cause A Hangover After A DUI Arrest". This FREE book offers valuable information including a six pack of questions that are sure to cause a hangover after your arrest.

What do I need to do if I was arrested for DUI in Florida?

The first thing you need to do, per Florida law, is request a hearing with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). You only have 10 days to request a hearing to challenge the suspension of your driver’s license. Once you are arrested for DUI in Florida, your driver’s license will be suspended for a minimum of 6 months, per Florida’s Administrative Suspension laws. You will be issued a Florida driver’s license number. Call me to discuss how I may be able to challenge the suspension of your driver’s license and possibly obtain a temporary driving permit for you.

If you fail to request a hearing in 10 days, the suspension of your driver’s license will be upheld and your license will be suspended for a minimum of 6 months or up to one year for a first refusal.

What happens to my license in my home state after a DUI arrest in Florida?

Once your license is suspended by the DHSMV in Florida, your home state will likely be notified of the suspension. Florida is one of a number of states in the Driver’s License Compact. This allows states to suspend or revoke your driver’s license if you commit certain traffic offenses in a state that is also part of the Compact. In addition, Florida will share information of your traffic violation because it is also part of the Non-Resident Violators Compact.

Just because you are from out of state, does not mean you can ignore an arrest that happens while you’re just visiting. A report is likely to be sent to your home state and can affect your driving privileges there too.

Florida has some of the toughest DUI laws in the nation. Do not ignore this mistake or dismiss your arrest because you thought nothing will happen once you leave the state. DUI is a criminal offense and you must meet it head on. A conviction for DUI can not only affect your ability to drive but it can also affect your job, insurance premiums, security clearances, your ability to get a loan, apply for a scholarship or obtain a professional license.

I focus my practice on the defense of drunk driving cases and I am not a ‘plea-mill’ or factory that takes every case that walks through the door simply to drive up revenue. I am here to help you fight your DUI charge in a Personalized, Aggressive and Compassionate manner. Fill out my DUI Intake Form and I will contact you immediately to discuss how I can defend you.

Remember, under Florida law you ONLY have 10 days to combat your license suspension. Call me today, I can help. You may not even have to come back to Florida to fight your DUI once you put yourself in the right hands. DUI is a misdemeanor in Florida, which means that with proper paperwork and motions I can represent you in abstentia at all hearings in both criminal court and before the DMV.

Do You Need A Miami DUI Defense Laywer?

If you find yourself charged with DUI in Miami you need to speak with an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible. Please contact me online or call my Coral Gables office directly at 305.707.7345. You should also download my free book "A Six Pack Of Questions That Can Cause A Hangover After A DUI Arrest". This free download provides valuable information and answers to questions about DUI charges that can give you the best chance at winning your case.


Daniel Izquierdo
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Coral Gables defense lawyer helping clients accused of Federal Crimes, DUI, Domestic Violence & Sex Crimes.